There is also a book based on this fingerplay that might be fun to read as well.
Five Little Pumpkins
Five little pumpkins sitting on a fence (Hold up all five fingers over opposite forearm to mimic sitting on a fence)
The first one says "Oh my it's getting late" (Pantomime looking at watch or point to clock in the room)
The second one says: "There are witches in the air" (Point to the sky)
The third one says: "But we don't care" (Shrug)
The fourth one says: "Let's run and run and run" (turn in a circle)
The fifth one says: "I'm ready for some fun!"
Whooooosh! Goes the wind. (Wave hands like the wind)
Out goes the light (Give a loud clap)
Five little pumpkins rolling out of sight (roll hands and hide behind back)
The Spanish finger play version is below and the actions are the same as outlined above. (Desculpa la falta de acentos.)
Cinco Calabacitas
Cinco calabacitas sentadas en un porton.
La primera dijo: Se esta haciendo tarde"
La segunda dijo: "Hay brujas en el aire"
La tercera dijo: "No le hace"
La cuarta dijo:"Corramos, corramos"
La quinta dijo: "Es una noche de espanto"
Uuuuuuuu hizo el viento.
Y se apagaron las luces.
Las cinco calabacitas, corrieron a esconderse!