Monday, May 11, 2009

Parenting for the Craft Impaired Contributor Guidelines

About Parenting for the Craft Impaired

Parent for the Craft Impaired is a resource that is meant to recharge parental energy and channel it into fun, educational activities for kids. Our core audience is the harried parent who is still waiting for the instruction manual or the parent who wants a moment to pee and gulp down some coffee, but can’t because the natives are restless.

Contributing to Parenting for the Craft Impaired

We are looking for contributions that outline, in detail, a fun and inexpensive activity for kids.  The age range for the activity can be any age between birth and ten years of age.  Suggestions on ways to tweak an activity for a variety of age ranges is appreciated and encouraged.

Content must be original and at least 500 words with a soft upper limit of 1200 words (soft means we might make exceptions).

Use section breaks and subtitles, if possible, to break content into easily digestible junks.

We require at least one picture for all articles. They should be either pictures you’ve taken yourself or free images available from sites such as Morgue File.

As for writing style, first person or third person is fine, second person is not our favorite,but we do use it. Personal experience is okay, but the primary focus should be telling parents how they can do the activity in their home.

Articles should be formatted for the internet; single spaced text with double spaces between paragraphs.

Specific product recommendations and pricing is helpful and should be added to content whenever possible.We reserve the right to add such information to your content.


Compensation is $6 per article, a byline, link to your blog or website, and a bio at the end of your article.

Payment will be made either via Paypal or by check, whichever you specify.


Parenting for the Craft Impaired buys first electronic rights and requests a 90 day exclusive on your article, after which time you may repost or resell your work elsewhere.

By submitting your work to Parenting for the Craft Impaired, you agree to give us the right to post your article and accompanying pictures in perpetuity.

How to submit work to Parenting for the Craft Impaired

Send content along with a bio of around 50 words in an email to

Copy and paste text into the email, do not send an attachment. Attachments will not be opened.

Do not send photos until you’ve received an acceptance from us.

Acceptance & Timeline

If your article is accepted, we will email you a contract along with a request for pictures and additional information such as your paypal account.

Please print out the contract and sign it. Either scan the signed contract and email it, or send it to us via snail mail (the address will be on the contract).

Payment will be made once we have received the contract and other information necessary to post your article.

If a signed contract as well as other requested information is not received within two weeks, we will assume you do not wish to publish with us and we will move on.

It may take up to 4 weeks for us to review material, after 4 weeks feel free to send an inquiry on your submission.

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